Sensory Path Floor Decals

Sensory Path Floor Decals by Mascot Junction are an excellent tool for helping students settle down, focus their energy and get ready to learn. Students face a lot of distractions throughout the day, and cause sensory overload, and interfere with learning and educational outcomes. Their language and communication skills may not be sophisticated enough to articulate what’s preventing them from getting focused. It could be noise, movement, a smell or possibly an emotional issue. Spending time on a sensory path gives a child a little “me time” to go one-on-one with the elements of the path. The students literally get a chance to step away from a multitude of distractions and apply themselves physically to the task at hand – completing the sensory path.

The adult equivalent might be going for a drive to clear your head and get away from things, or going for a walk, or a workout. Have you every caught yourself doing yard work or house work for therapeutic value? A sensory path serves the same purpose for kids in school.

Nature Questâ„¢ 2 Sensory Path Decal set features a finger maze, action rocks, foot prints and hand prints.

See all the Sensory Path Decal Stickers at Mascot Junction.

Nature Questâ„¢ 1 Sensory Path features a large lava pit with tight rope floor sticker.